The lovely Haley Sturgeon (a new aunt to a precious little baby boy!) passed this along to me so I hope you all enjoy. We haven't done anything very blog-worthy in the last few days, so I was excited to get this and have something to write about! Thanks Haley!
I accept and must answer these questions and pass on this award to 7 other bloggers everyone!
1. Where is your cell phone: I have no idea... I've looked everywhere and can't find it.
2. Your hair: in a pony tail
3. Your mother: in Texas :(
4. Your father: also in Texas
5. Your favorite food: fajitas!
6. Your dream from last night: I honestly don't remember
7. Your favorite drink: Diet Coke
8. Your dream/goal: to move back home to Texas and have a house and some kiddos (I'm ready for the Texas part now... not quite the kiddos). I would also like my sis to live next door.
9. What room are you in: living room
10. What is your hobby: shopping and playing piano (I'm still trying to figure out how we could shove a piano into our apartment)
11. What is your fear: losing loved ones
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: Texas. Texas. Texas.
13. Where were you last night: at our apartment
14. Something you are not: sleepy... thanks to a stop at Starbucks
15. Muffins: blueberry
16. Wish List items: Size: 8 1/2 Color: Black
17. Where did you grow up: Richmond, Texas
18. Last thing you did: drove around Atlanta for about an hour trying to find Blockbuster (in case you're wondering, it's only about 10 minutes from our house...)
19. What are you wearing: jeans and a cozy, red J.Crew sweatshirt
20. Your TV: Desperate Housewives on Lifetime
21. Your pets: Our family dog back in Texas is named Rusty. He is a Tibetan Spaniel.
22. Your friends: delightful
23. Your life: blessed
24. Your mood: excited
25. Missing someone: my parents, sister, friends...
26. Vehicle: Audi convertible, her name is Sadie
27. Something your not wearing: shoes
28. Your favorite store: J.Crew and Nordstrom
29. Your favorite color: pink
30. When's the last time you laughed: a few minutes ago while watching tv
31. When's the last time you cried: Saturday (it was an 'I-miss-Texas' kind of day)
32. Your best friend: wonderful
33. One place you go over and over: Publix
34. One person who emails me regularly: My momma
35. Favorite place to eat? Pappasito's and Escalante's... wish we were eating at one of them tonight!
I am tagging.... anyone who wants to play along :)
I know, not very exciting of me! I have several friends with private blogs or who have already been 'tagged' so I'm sharing this with anyone and everyone that would like to participate. Let me know if you do, I will definitely want to read it!
Also, Kelsey Smith is hosting a giveaway with some lovely pieces from a great Etsy shop. This is my fave:
Enjoy your evenings! I just made some pumpkin cookies and am off to see how they turned out. I'll share the recipe on Friday!
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